
Rebecca Gooding

My journey to Atelier 21 began with my children, both of whom attended Little Barn Owls Nursery (Atelier 21’s sister company) where they thrived – discovering and exploring their creativity and love for the outdoors. When I saw that Hayley was opening a school, I knew that not only did I want both of my children to go – I wanted to work there too!

The incredible teaching team at Atelier have the ability to work out what makes a child curious and fascinated about the world around them, and use this to drive their learning. Children here develop an awareness of what it means to be a global citizen and learn financial literacy and entrepreneurial skills from the age of five. Being able to do this in a small, nurturing environment means that the relationships established between the adults and pupils are incredibly close – a place where everybody truly knows your name! Leading such a revolutionary vision in education is an incredibly exciting opportunity and having been at the forefront of the school’s inception and continued development, I can’t wait to see what the Atelier alumni achieve in the future.